Sunday, February 26, 2006

Goonie rock captured.

In an attempt to create as many excuses as possible to update this blog I've posted a picture of the rock from the Goonies, off the coast of Astoria (or more specifically, Cannon Beach.)

This is the photo I would've snapped last weekend (pre-blog era) had my little Corolla made the initial trip. Equipped with a fresh new clutch disc, I arrived at Cannon Beach today and was able to document this historic landmark.

Saturday, February 25, 2006


Okay, first real posting of everyday boring stuff. Well cute and boring stuff.

Meet Biscuit! He's the pride of the Coraline studio up here in Portland , Oregon. A potentially lethal mix of Jack Russel l Terrier and Chihuahua, Biscuit is capable of charming all who cross his path.

He even knows a little German eh.


Get ready for truly amazing and adventurous commentary about our everday boring lives. It's just what the interweb needs more of...

The beginning!

Hello friends and family! You are reading the first of hopefully many postings on the all new, all fresh, Adventures of GricklePants and Research Girl blog site!
